Baby sign language is a great tool to use when your child is not yet talking but is making controlled hand movements and intentional gestures. This is usually around 6 to 9 months of age but varies per child. 

Why use sign language?

  • Can reduce frustrations and decrease tantrums
  • Allows your child to communicate wants and needs even before they can talk 
  • Promotes vocabulary development and spoken language
  • Increases the bond between you and your baby

What is baby sign language?

  • Baby sign language is a series of simple signs and gestures that are easy for babies and toddlers to copy compared to actually saying those words. Some of the words we want our child to say require very complex oral-motor movements that require a developmental level that our toddler has not yet reached. Using a baby sign or gesture to communicate allows families to communicate more with their children.
  • American Sign Language (ASL) is quite different from baby sign language taught to communicate with your 6 to 60 month old. ASL has its own grammatical structure and is not what is being referenced in this document. Both ASL and baby sign language are useful means of communicating, but they are not the same thing and are not intended for the same audience.

How should I introduce sign to my child?

  • Introduce one sign at a time. 
  • Always speak and sign at the same time. This helps your child make the connection between the spoken word and the sign. 
  • If you are signing for an object, make sure you have the object nearby. 
  • Encourage your child and praise every attempt made to use the sign. 

Not sure what signs to begin with?

Take a look at my top 5 suggested signs in my eBook “6 to 60: Communication at Home.” It is filled with tips and strategies to help encourage and improve your child’s language development. 


It’s time to be the powerhouse of your child’s development

Society makes it difficult for parents to parent. Parents of young children are struggling. They need more to properly support their child’s healthy brain development. LaValley Creations is here to help!

We focus on communication, social & behavior, fine motor, and overall school readiness skills for all children from 6 to 60 months of age.

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Happy mother and child